Q: How long will it take before I receive my order?
A: Orders are shipped on the next business day. FedEx Overnight and FedEx 2-day orders received before 2pm Central Standard Time are shipped the same day except weekends and holidays.  Note that FedEx is not always offered as a service.  For domestic orders, we ship via USPS Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation unless otherwise directed, and it usually takes 3-5 business days. For international orders, we send via USPS registered mail and it usually takes about 10 business days.

Q: How is it packaged?
A: It will be delivered in a plain USPS Priority Mail carton, with only the company's name and address at top left (HIH, PO Box 55427, Houston, TX 77255), and of course the addressee's name at center. For international, it will also have the post office's small customs form attached, with "acustick" (stick for pressing acupressure points) written as the description of contents. Inside, the Pro-State is encased in a transparent plastic clamshell container with an insert containing instructions.

Q: Does anyone need to be there to receive it?
A: USPS Priority mail does not require a signature of receipt. However, if you choose a FedEx option, please enter special instructions during the checkout process stating that you would like the required signature to be waived.

Q: I am very interested in your product, but hesitant to purchase because of the many stories of people sending money and not receiving anything in return. Can you help me overcome my fear?
A: We are a member of the Better Business Bureau. We have been in business since 1997. We pride ourselves on our excellent customer service. We almost always will mail out your order the next business day and provide tracking information on request. You should receive the product within 3 to 5 business days. Most of our customers are in fact referrals - that is another lifeline of the company. Please do not hesitate to call or e-mail with your questions or comments.

Q: Is it possible to place a credit card order over the phone rather than through the internet?
A: Yes. Please call us at (713) 680-8840 from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM CST Monday - Friday, and we will gladly assist you with your order. Or if you prefer to order by mail, we accept personal checks or money orders sent to:

PO Box 55427
Houston, TX 77255

Q: How do I know my name won't be placed on other mailing lists?
A: We understand the importance of privacy. Your personal information is and will remain strictly confidential. Under NO circumstance will it be sold or passed on to a third party.

Q: I live in Houston TX. Is it possible to come in person to purchase one directly?
A: Our insurance regulations do not allow us to sell the product directly from the warehouse and we do not currently have a storefront. We do, however, try to make the shipping as convenient as possible for you. The devices are sent out in discreet packaging to residences or work addresses.

Q: What is your return policy?
A: Due to the intimate nature of our products, we do not accept returns of any sort. If you wish to consult a physician, please do so before making a purchase.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the effectiveness of the products or specific recommendations in your situation, please contact us with your questions before your purchase. Although we are not authorized to offer medical advice, we may be able to help you to decide which model massager is best for your circumstances.